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appear in practice_1

Ethiopian Experiences. The Art of Following Other Ideas

November 13th 2012
4 - 7 pm

Ebendorferstraße 7

1010 Vienna

  • Theme: Appear in Practice with a special focus on ‘participation’
  • Specific theme: Participation in the RESPOND‐HER project
  • Speaker: Belay Hagos Hailu (AAU)

Brief summary of the project-related part of the event

After Belay presented a brief description of the project Responding to Poverty and Disability through Higher Education and Research (RESPOND‐HER), especially on the objectives, activities, and expected results of the project, the journalist and chair Stella Asiimwe posed various questions in order to better understand the project activities. Belay answered to each of these questions.

In the subsequent session of the same event, the discussion was between the audience and Belay as representative of the Addis Ababa University project team of the RESPOND‐HER project. Many participants of the event raised several questions especially on how participatory the RESPOND‐HER project is. Belay responded to these questions, for example, by referring to the joint team teaching between staff members from the University of Vienna and Addis Ababa University as a good example of a participatory approach.

After winding up the two hours media event, Belay received positive feedback. It appears that the audience was pleased with the presentation and discussion.


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Department of Education

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1090 Vienna

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