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Students with disabilities at AAU

On this website you will find some students with disabilities, who are currently studying at the Addis Abeba University (AAU). The students give you some glimpses into their study life and their aims after graduation.

Tigist, 30 and Tsehai, 41

Ethiopian Sign Language and Deaf Culture (BA)

Tigist and Tsehai offered to take some time for an interview with the Disability Officer of the University of Vienna. Communication was made possible with the help of Meaza, who translated from Ethiopian Sign Language to English and vice versa.

The following videos contains only visual information, there are transcripts for visually impaired persons available.

Message to austrian deaf students

Mamo on AAU campus in wheelchair

Mamo, 22

Sociolinguistics (MA)

"I have finished my Bachelor programme in Foreign Language and Literature (English) a year ago. Now I am studying at the faculty of humanities for a Master's degree at the Departement of Linguistics.
If I had the possibility I would love to work as a PR-expert and communication officer after graduation. A job in a culture and tourism center would also fit my interests."

Tagel, standing at AAU Campus

Tagel, 22

Sociology (BA)

"I'm studying Sociology at the moment. After that I would like to finish with a Master's degree in Social Work. As a blind student, I managed to reach this far without the help of my family."


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