In the course of the international collaborative project, the following reports and manuals where published by the Ethiopian partners:
Research Reports:
1.Employability of Graduate Students with Disability in Ethiopa (July 2013):
This report sunmmarizes the findings of a baseline study. It was conducted to assess barriers posed to the employability of graduates with disabilities in 5 locations all over Ethiopia: Addis Ababa, Adama, Bahirdar, Hawasa and Mekelle. In collaboration with 5 local research assistants with disabilities, the research team based at Addis Ababa University collected different stakeholders' (graduates with disabilities, propsepctive employers in the governmental and non-governmental sector and local authorieties) opinions by means of questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions. The report aims at presenting the current employement situation of gradtuadtes with disabilities but also shows the way ahead.
2. Assessment of the Situation of Students with Disabilities in the Ethiopian Universities:
This report summarizes the findings of a study conducted to assess barriers students with disabilities face at higher education institutions all over Ethiopia. The study involved 11 institutions: Addis Ababa University, Adama University, Bahirdar University, Mekelle university, Axum University, Hawasa University, Dilla University, Jigjiga University, Semera University, Haromoya University, and Gondar University. The study involved more than 400 students with disabilities and employed a mixed methods design (questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions).
1. Manual for Employability of Persons with Disabilities in Ethiopia (July 2013):
This manual is directed at potential and current employers and aims at supporting the provision of an accessible, barrier-free and non-discriminating work environment for graduates with disabilities.
Download Emploayability Manual
2. Accessibility of Higher Education for Disabilities - Manual for Higher Education Institutions (December 2014):
This manual is directed at the management of Higher Education Institutions and aims at suuporting the realization of an accessible, barrier-free and non-discriminatory study environment for students with disabilities.
Project-related Publications
OECD (2011): Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Tertiary Education and Employment. Education and Training Policy.
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