Research Activities
The RESPOND-HER project aims to strengthen the Ethiopian partner institution’s involvement in disability research at the highest international level. Since February 2010, the Ethiopian cooperation partner is involved in the joint research project “Classifications of disabilities in the field of education (CLASDISA)” with the Department of Education at the UV. This project is sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF; project number P22178) and was approved based on the main funding criterion of scientific excellence. The funding agency (FWF) expects a substantial financial contribution to the research project by all cooperating partners.
However, AAU faces financial limitations in providing its expected share of funding for materials, infrastructure, translations and personnel. This limits their full participation in stateof-the-art research. Therefore, the RESPOND-HER project will support research activities and strengthen the involvement of staff members of AAU within the cooperation structure of the CLASDISA project.
In particular, it aims to foster the development of research skills of Ethiopian junior researchers at advanced levels, providing them access to cutting-edge academic networks in the field of disability research, and supporting the development of their skills for subsequent autonomous research. Thus, more junior researchers will be involved to a greater extent in the development of research instruments, data analysis, and interpretation of research results. Two one-week-workshops in Austria with Ethiopian, Austrian, and other international researchers will facilitate this process. (See the CLASDISA project website for more information:
Current Research Activities
Baseline survey on GWDs' (Graduates with Disabilities) access to the labour market
Report on Employability of Graduate Students with Disability in Ethiopia
Assessmentof the Situation of Students with Disabilities in the Ethiopian Universities
Department of Education
University of Vienna
Sensengasse 3a
1090 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-468 01
F: +43-1-4277-468 09