Kick-Off Workshop at the AAU
November 1st - 3rd, 2011
Between November 1st and November 3rd 2011 five project team members from the University of Vienna's Department of Education were welcomed in the Graduate School of Education at Addis Ababa University. An opening speech by the Dean was followed by two and a half days of intense discussions on the research design an methods for a baseline study concerning the educational situation and employment opportunities of graduate students with disabilities from Ethiopian universities. Furthermore, a detailed preparation of upcoming joint activities between the project partners took place.
A total of 14 team members got to know each other and agreed on a timeline and distribution of responsibilities for the first year of the project. Interests and capacities of all participants were assessed and linked in order to structure meaningful teaching exchanges. Further sources of capacity building were established, including a workshop on qualitative research methods and an assessment of the needs for further (university based) training of Ethiopian community based rehabilitation workers. In addition, key issues addressed were financial matters, communication and dissemination strategies, as well as the need to make special efforts in evaluating the situation of female students with disabilities.
All partners agreed the the inception workshop was timely, productive, and contributed to a good start into the RESPOND-HER project.
> Report of the Disability Officer of UV
Department of Education
University of Vienna
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1090 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-468 01
F: +43-1-4277-468 09